Ideas Board - a Green & Healthy Future for Frome

Ideas Board - a Green & Healthy Future for Frome

Do you have an idea for a project that would be good for both health and the planet? Share your ideas on this board. We will invite local people to get involved with developing popular ideas further by email (if you share it alongside posting your idea). More info


busses with cycle racks

What role will the car take in our future lives

Environment Competition - Engaging with local businesses

Health Campaign about cocaine

Mend swaps

Veggie loyalty cards

Map "barren" areas and plant more trees

River Frome swimming near the town

A Rain Playground

Youth Shed for Frome

Garden Share

Bikes on buses

Reclaim Our Streets

Turn empty shops into markets and eateries

e waste

Goat Milking Co-op

New Town Square - between Library and Jenson Button Bridge

Growing food

Town-wide carboot sale

Green Gym

Broadway Community Garden


Rickshaw taxis for Frome

Street salad

Monthly bike repair drop in

Host a regular clothes swap

Lorry watch

Photo voltaic cells above car parks

Collect oil, create soaps

School Walking Bus

Frome Care Farm

An Online Bike Jumble Notice Board

Doughnut Day!

Free/ Low cost School Bus for local Villages

Art create, for connection and wellbeing

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This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

Your Priorities on GitHub

Check out the Citizens Foundation website for more information