Bennelong in One Room

Bennelong in One Room

What should be done to reduce the impact on our cost of living & lives in Bennelong, as we move away from coal, gas and oil?


Support and Accountability from Government and Big Business

Australian design for Australian energy

Ad campaigns and information sessions

Changes in Residential Design

More + cheaper / subsidised local public transport options

proper cycleways

Tax generators of green house gases

social platforms and short videos can us promote new energy

Eradicate fuel sports; redirect resources

Develop a detailed climate change action plan for Bennelong

Example Idea (Add a short title for your idea)

Commit to electrification of buildings

Developing sustainable technologies.

Get rid of Rebates

Use a national deliberative process

More EV Charging Options on Road Kerbside

Hats on Lamps

Subsidies and support to decarbonise your home

Stepped pricing for energy use

Return to efficient technology

Install Community Batteries

Cover all parking areas in MQ Uni with solar panels

Site windfarms carefully so turbulent wakes do no harm

Support Local Businesses to Transition to Renewable Energy

Educate on the cost of not acting now

Workshop Idea - The "What If" question

Assistance to insulate existing houses

Broaden rooftop solar coverage.

Mitigate the environmental impact of renewable technologies

1:1 car space / apartment ratio for housing

Pilot an 'Electrify Bennelong' project

Increased Urban Density

Roofs- concrete and dark colors should be discouraged

Enough gap between houses for trees

Increase taxes and royalties for fossil fuel companies

Encourage consumer choice, and ban embedded systems

Promote Home Solar/ Battery Electricity

Accessability for physical disability

Export new type of energy.

Electric buses

encourage local produce our area

Solar roof top in parts of the cemeteries

Compressed Air Electricity Generation

Community Batteries

Energy Production V Environmental Damage - What is forgotten

Let's Embrace Practcality and Common Sense

Act now, not later.

Adopting Progressive Ideas

Put it to a National Vote.

Crack down on price gouging by energy companies

Increase urban tree canopy

Ensure safety in installing renewables

Let’s Stop Doing What Doesn’t Work

Rotate 8 million ha of N2-fixing casuarinas on farmlands

Community compost space

Financial support for permanent energy bill relief

Threat Risk Assessments

curb monster trucks in our suburbs

Stop Squandering Our Nations Future Prosperity

Cheaper rates for efficient homes & free independent advice

Expanded Access to EVs

Introduce a national gas reservation policy to reduce cost

Do you actually WANT nuclear?

Look at scientific fact

Back to community

This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

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Check out the Citizens Foundation website for more information