Reproductive health of young people

Reproductive health of young people

Young people often face barriers to reproductive health education and services, leading to a lack of knowledge about contraception, safe practices, and overall sexual health. This gap can result in higher rates of unintended pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and emotional distress. Improving access to comprehensive reproductive health education and services could empower young people to make informed decisions about their health.


To address period poverty and promote well-being, this initiative aims to provide free menstrual products for young people, ensuring equitable access and reducing barriers that affect school attendance and daily life. The program would make products available in schools, youth centers, and community spaces while incorporating menstrual health education into curricula to reduce stigma and raise awareness. This approach seeks to improve health, participation, and dignity for all young people who m

Reproductive health education may promote early sexual activity by exposing young people to adult topics prematurely, potentially conflicting with family values and beliefs on when and how such information should be introduced.

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