Construct a woodlands walk between play park and the northern boundary of the playing field.
Currently the area sits under huge amounts of brambles and weeds. If the area was cleared and a woodland walk was created it could be used for Forest School type activities by Honey Bees, Activity Scheme and the local schools. Why not also plant some fruit trees. Living in the country is a "way of life" and this area could be developed into a sensory walk, provide shaded seating area, encourage a wide range of wildlife and be an accessible place for all.
How many would benefit from this? Lots of lovely walks around the village already - is this money well spent?
Encourage more people to walk in the area and improve access.
I believe it is money well spent. Agree lovely walks already exist but not all can access them. Especially the elderly. This would provide a solace for people less able and the younger children in the village with little legs. It wouldn't just be used as a "walk". The local Play Group and Activity scheme could make use of this area for educational purposes. For example, Insect boxes, Bat boxes, low level notice boards identifying wild life that lives in such habitat. Plants for butterflies and so on. A sensory garden could also be extended from HoneyBees tiny garden already established. This is currently a huge wasted area behind the cricket shed which has loads of potential in the heart of the village.
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