e-deliberation for Dynamic Evaluation

e-deliberation for Dynamic Evaluation

The MD project (emergencebydesign.org) is designing a new approach to evaluation – Dynamic Evaluation - that can provide “real time feedbacks” to innovation project initiators and designers, as well as to all people and organizations affected by these projects, about the transformations and changes that are occurring in the agents-artifacts space considered (e.g. institutional change, education, art, local development policies). Can e-deliberation help us in dynamically evaluate projects?


If you want to know more about Dynamic Evaluation, here's a brief description: http://emergencebydesign.org/practicing-change/dynamic-evaluation/ And in this PDF, starting from page 50, you can find a description of the Dynamic Evaluation process applied to three case studies: http://emergencebydesign.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/MD_Appendix.pdf

Three main issues can be solved through e-deliberation: 1. Communication: analyzing and providing “real-time” and ongoing feedback, both to project designers/initiators and to other innovation projects’ affected agents; 2. Agents/Artifacts/Attribution: mapping agents and artifacts involved in the innovation processes and keeping track of attribution shifts over time; 3. Narrative: Extracting and sharing narratives in order to collectively build common narratives.

If you're interested in e-deliberation, here's a brief (and partial) overview of tools available: http://wiseeconomy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Online-Engagement-Platforms-White-Paper-WEW-NWPE-11-09-12.pdf

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