charge for parking along seafront and use money for big bins

charge for parking along seafront and use money for big bins

I dont think I need to explain much. Just walk along the seafront at 8am and you will see the mess flying around. I am sure everyone would be happy to pay a bit for parking and be rewarded with a clean beach. There might even be some money left to build a green belt, a sandy beach area, a kite surf school,...


Seaford is one of the few places that drivers are not charged to park on the seafront. By adding parking charges it just makes a lot of hassle for people wanting to enjoy a day on the beach having to make sure that have enough change,put the right money in the machine and then have to "clock watch" in order to get back in time. Also alot of older people, who maybe aren't so active, like to sit in their cars and enjoy the view.

hope you like the ideas

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