Symons Hall lit naturally

Symons Hall lit naturally

Making Symons hall full of natural light will encourage people to hire the hall and increase the bookings and get new users in. To have more light coming in during 'daylight hours' will make users happier and more comfortable with their surroundings. It can only be a step in right direction with all the other comments being taken on board at same time


It is such a well used hall in the village but it is very old and needs some modernisation.

Poor lighting in the Hall at present!

Hall is currently very dark and cold.

Not only do we want to make users happier and more comfortable but we want them to feel encouraged to return again and again, thereby increasing the usage of the hall.

We could put the hall to better use for the community

The hall is useful for all ages.

It is a facility used by village people for social gatherings, many in door sports, clubs and children's activities. Improvements welcome.

The hall is extensively used and this would make it much lighter and user friendly

It's so dark in the hall and sky light would make it bright and if it was positioned to let the sun light directly in and it would make the hall warmer.

The hall is dark and dismal, particularly when playing games.

Symons Hall nearly always needs the lights on, because of poor natural light, and it is not good lighting.

More people need to use it and it will have more light

The Old Hall is very dark and gloomy at the moment.

It will make a lighter amosphere for all

Please vote and show support in making Symons hall in particular full of more natural light to encourage more bookings in the hall. It's a great size hall that is, at the moment, underused.

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