Currently, schools either do not seperate food waste (from lunches), or have to pay for the removal in excess to the cost of general waste. With the introduction of free school meals for the younger children, this will only escalate. As Lewes District Council provides a kerb side collection, could they also collect from schools at a cost effective rate?
I think that educating children about waste is important. If LDC can organise collection from all schools in the area I think this would be a good way to reduce general waste. The proposer is right about the new compulsory provision of dinners and there will be a bigger burden if something isn't put in place. The money could go on providing the recycling bin in schools, which if this scheme is to be educational should be a child friendly figure in the dinner hall that 'eats' their waste.
If we capture the children as part of their education, we will be preparing for the future increases in the need to recycle. The children can learn about the "food" cycle after the point of eating (or not eating) it. The children will also be albe to explain to parents that the schools are participating, and may encourage more households to adopt the scheme.
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