Promoting Women & Youth Entrepreneurship Through Hay Baling

Promoting Women & Youth Entrepreneurship Through Hay Baling

Promoting Women & Youth Entrepreneurship Through Hay Baling


Brilliant homegrown solution targeting vulnerable groups in the community. Women and youth are set to benefit immensely.

This idea is giving everyone a chance to compete in the market and this is very helpful to women and youths

Local solution and very practical and empowering

Help the community in organic farming as the bailed grass is going to be used as mulch

The idea will benefit a lot of farmers who are doing organic farming as they are able to access grass at low cost for mulching, composting, and animal feeds

This is a good idea because it is very cheap , reliable and it promotes a hygienic environment

As a young woman I feel like it’s a noble idea to empower women through initiatives like these. It will keep them busy and they can as well get an income

It’s homegrown and tailor made for women

Its in in line with Sustainable Development Goal number 5

Great move to empower women in different communities!

Home-grown. Reliable and cheap

This is a perfect opportunity for women to try something new and this idea is empowering women which is the most appreciated act in our country.

Yes i do. Its a great initiative that can help empower women

A great way to engage the community and their respective councils.

This gives small scale farmers value for their money and creates opportunities for them to cut costs and sell at affordable prices.

A great way of empowering and reducing unemployment !!

This is a great initiative to the youngsters of today since jobs are scarce in the industry. This program will reduce unemployment and as well help communities have better living standards and as well an extended life expectancy.

The project is innovative and has a very low (close to zero)carbon footprint. Additionally, it promotes direct participation and empowerment of youths and women. It's a very sustainable project.

This also help against drug abuse because it is there e to keep the ghetto youth who participate to have little tymt to focus on drugs as most of there rum will be spend making hay and also marketing there hay . And also for some of us who unemployed it helps in providing for our financial needs

Low capital business initiative which has high potential for creating livelihoods opportunities for the youths and women at the same time maintaining a clean habitat for the citizens of our city. The project is also scalable to other cities.

This is quite good! The youth stand to benefit most as they represent the group most affected by unemployment. The machine is simple to use and hay bales are an in-demand product with an ready market.

This is a great way to develop our community as well as generations to come. The environment will benefit greatly due to limited vekd fires. An awesome initiative for Mutare!!!👏

It's a source of income, its homegrown and specifically made for women and the youth.

It would be good to ensure that the markets for the hay are clearly identified and to also ensure that the process does not end up open to abuse but provides clear tools for the informal cooperatives to use in managing it

Ticks multiple boxes advocated for in modern production 1)a cleaner & eco-friendly alternative of grass disposal compared to burning 2)Doesn’t have the biggest barriers for the unemployed to start a business which is capital. 3)The harvesting workloads distracts the youth from drug abuse which results from unemployment 4)This tool is made & assembled from 100% locally sourced materials 5)a solution to the depletion of grazing lands as subsistence farmers can use paddocks & feed their livestock

Very innovative

Its a job creating innovation and thoughtful approach to empowering women and youth.

This can ease the hay challenges being faced by the small scale Laperine spp farmers and empower youth and women within local communities.

Its perfect

This is a phenomenal idea due to its environmental friendliness.Its eliminates the use of burning diesel to produce hay which is exceptional to our environment. It's also empowering to our youth as they can be operators of the machine and earn a decent income.

Its a great sign as it promotes and motivates us as women

This is great as it will creeate jobs and means of livelihood for the locals

Great move, woman empowerment is the way to go

It's simplicity in design and effectiveness in function is on point. The product's usefulness and practicability are clear and easy to understand.

Can be utilized in baling agricultural mulch, baleage for greater nutrition for beef farmers and allows a complimentary relationship between the city and agricultural sector players in and around the city

Great initiative for women empowerment. Thank you...

Great programme

I like the whole idea of value addition and empowerment. The growth plan is real and sustainable. Well done guys

Its great to expose the youths and tickle creativity through entrepreneurship.

The hand powered baler are created for entrepreneurial benefit of the Mutare Community. While most entrepreneurial projects can sometimes focus on profit gains without any social impact indicators, this project not only attempts to achieves this, but also addresses the social-economic problem of unemployment within the council district. The creation of jobs for women and other young people is proof of this, along with the sustainability objectives towards the environment and farmers requiring it

great idea

This is cool... It's practical, affordable and empowers the normal people by giving them the opportunity to create a bit of income for themselves at no cost., it also keeps our communities clean I love it

I like this idea because it empower women and youth through these initiatives. They also gave them income to rely on themselves.

Practical way of empowering youth and women

Thus brilliant. Most of the youth are just seated and complaining about bad economy and staff so this is the opportunity to do something and you never know. Some will develop and even expand to other areas thereby starting some good businesses which we never anticipated. Good luck and thank you for this good idea 😊

Brilliant and perfect idea that will benefit the women and youth of our country since it does not require a huge capital to be part of this bailing project.More still the machine is user friendly so it will not be difficult for the women or our grannies And lastly its gonna help our city of Mutare to stay clean and neat with all the grass cut ..and sooner or later other cities will follow suit..meaning more employment to women and youths in other cities.

As a woman it allows me an opportunity to try something that I've not seen tried out there and it's something I'd like to try even with my own family. Plus hay bales are actually in demand.

Women and the youth are one part of the community in which when they are active together the community and the nation at wide will greatly improve. Love this initiative

Its a very good initiative.

A good initiative to fight against poverty and its environmentally friendly

Helps small scale farmers who can't afford those expensive balers as these ones are very affordable.

Beautiful innovation..not so complicated such that it is user friendly to all age groups..its a good sign that our minds can stretch this far...good work !!!

Promote women and youth creative ideas hence fight against poverty and unemployment

It's an innovative idea that will surely promote empowerment as long it is efficiently managed and constant.

Fights against poverty and creates employment

this innovation is actually a game changer. a lot of cattle farmers will be put at an advantage, no need for them to worry bout dwindling pasturage, thus innovation makes livesstock feeding much mo easier, thinking of penfattening now guys, thanks a lot for beung so practucally useful

It empowers youth and women... they will be able to make their decisions and they will be free from abuse

Good initiative which also challenge other youths to be innovative

This idea is great in that it required limited funding but can help ave a huge impact on multiple stakeholders, from the women and youth who will be empowered to make a living, to the City which will be cleaner and the broad public who will also have a cleaner city and by inference reduced pollution. I am also excited at the prospects of how this will benefit dairy farmers who need the hay and cannot always afford it when produced through heavy duty high cost machines.

Fights against dependency syndrome in which youths began to be independent and learn to provide for themselves

As a youth and a Zimbabwean woman, i feel so empowered. Hats off to CIVAGRIEC!

Environmentally friendly balers using resources that are already available to us.

Its very practical convenient and innovative idea

Very innovative way of empowering the youths and women in local communities. Also reduces the unemployment rate of the youths and women. In a way it reduces the occurrence of crime and or drug abuse by the youth where this is the case, by keeping them preoccupied. The cutting of the grass by the hand bailers also destroys the habitats of mosquitos etc, keeping the environment safer.

an innovative idea that will bring about an improvement in our daily livelihood

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