This is a good idea which will enable the loan to the entrepreneurs and small business owners without collateral.
An excellent idea
Yes! This idea will work in Uganda.
Absolutely amazing and feasible idea that can positively promote financial inclusion of many low income earners in participating cities.
Its potentiality of creating wealth to society by creating access to financial services to the small businesses
Indeed! Nigeria has such a programmes that empower entrepreneurs and small business owners.
Good idea!!
Wow! I like it.
This is a very good idea especially for nowadays, because if this idea really implemented it will provides more jobs opportunities to the society so as to reduce the rate of unemployment.
Tht's great👍
This is a good idea which will enable the loan to the entrepreneurs and small business owners without collateral.
I also have an interest on this good idea.
This is a nice idea.
This will provide a proper solution in our community.
This is a welcome development which need to be implemented by the government especially in Nigeria
This is commendable because it will make entrepreneurs get quick and easy access to finance and credit for their businesses
Despite being an Engineering student, I absolutely believe that this idea will work if fully implemented.
This idea impress me. The governments in the participating cities have to make sure that its fully implemented.
Wow! I hope it will be implemented!
I like this idea.
The idea can help to eradicate the poverty.
This is a Wellcome idea and will help bust the economy in the participating cities.
Good 💡
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation