Large scale online policy debates for better decisions

Large scale online policy debates for better decisions

Describe the innovation? Citizens have never in history debated politics more but most of it is happening on social media platforms that are designed for maximizing engagement not for rational debate. Debate does not have to be toxic online if you use the right tools. Also, debate on social media platforms reaches policymakers in a random and sometimes highly skewed fashion. By using specific tools and reaching out to citizens directly, like with this platform you can get better results. How will it improve government? Improving political debate & channeling it into useful policy-making processes will improve government by helping government take better decisions, together with citizens.


Use the power of crowdsourcing to get a more round understanding of any policy.

Letting citizens know about engagement projects is difficult and expensive. Governments are often not the most effective at getting the word out on social media and sometimes don't understand the power of paid campaigns.

Direct and dedicated platforms that support constructive debate and citizen engagement are the way to go.

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This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

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Check out the Citizens Foundation website for more information