Prezz fiss ta metru kwadru ghal propjeta

Prezz fiss ta metru kwadru ghal propjeta

Ghandu jigi stabbilit prezz fiss ghal metru kwadru ta propjeta skond diversi kriterji stabbiliti


Property owners would have more control over the price of their property as they can value objectively what their property is worth, without having to necessarily depend on the say of the estate agent.

Buyers have a point of reference and can know which regions are within their budget

The property market price is more controlled and therefore inflation is delayed

Estate agents can't keep increasing prices at their whim but have to abide by pre-set prices per sqm according to the pre-established criteria. Change in such prices need to be set by the PA or a specific board that set up the criteria in the first place.

Buyers have a point of reference of the value of property and can demand a reduction if the property is overpriced.

Home owners have objective arguments and point of reference to justify the value of their property, incase buyers ask for a reduction

Il-prezz tal-propjeta Malta qieghed jisplodi u hafna jsibuha difficli jistabilixxu il-prezz vera li jirrifletti il-valur tal-propjeta taghhom. Ghalhekk ghandhom jigu stabilliti kriterji ta evalwazzjoni. Il-valur ta propjeta ghandu jigi evalwat skond il-metru kwadru. Il-prezz tal-metru kwadru ghandu jigi evalwat skond: 1. il-lokalita 2. is-sular/livell tal-propjeta 3. l-ammont ta dawl naturali fil-metru kwadru 4. hekk il-propjeta hijiex konvertita jew ghandhiex bzonn renovazzjoni

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