

What would your community do with a share of £40,000? This is your chance to create, discuss and vote for ideas and projects that will make a difference in your community.


Leaflets giving timetables and fares for buses in Lewes

A bus shelter at the bus stop by the prison.

Signs to direct people to the railway land nature reserve.

Get the Landport Skatepark redone.

Lewes Repertory Theatre

More bins along Jenners Way, outside Lewes Tesco & skatepark

More seats around Lewes and river bank and toilets.

Reinstate footbridge end malling railway cutting

Re-Open the Western Road Public Toilets

Renovate the floor at Landport Youth Centre

Funding for Saturday Circles Club

Funding for Bi-Polar UK group held at Well Being Centre.

Funding for Lewes Riverside Club

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This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

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Check out the Citizens Foundation website for more information